Are you getting enough Vitamin C? The benefits of Vitamin C are so important that loading up on it should at least make your top 5 list of nutrients to focus on. Although scientists agree that getting your daily dose from fresh fruit and vegetables is more preferable due to the fact that your body can utilize the nutrients more effectively, taking a good quality supplement can also do the trick. Now, let’s take a look at some of the benefits to motivate you straight to that bag of oranges!
Longer lifespan
A recent study has shown that taking inadequate levels of vitamin C, (300-400mg daily) can add up to 6 years to a male patient’s life. For a woman, only one year was added, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers!
Cancer Prevention
Vitamin C is regarded as a natural “big gun” against cancer as it helps to protect the cells and DNA from mutation and damage. Studies show that it is effective in reducing the risk of almost all cancers. It also improves your immunity due to its’ high level of antioxidants, therefore protecting the body and improving its’ ability to fight cancer. Enough said!
Look after your bones.
When we think of osteoporosis, we immediately grab a glass of milk or a calcium supplement, but Vitamin C also plays a vital role in protecting your bones from becoming brittle. Studies have shown that postmenopausal woman taking adequate levels had a higher bone density than those who didn’t.
Melt some fat.
Taking a balanced daily dose of Vitamin C can help to burn nearly 25-30% more fat due to the fact that it helps your body to synthesize L-Carnitine. This crucial amino-acid is responsible for converting fat into energy when exercising, making your workout more effective.
Other benefits also include:
- Vision protection and improvement
- Decreased risk of stroke and cardiovascular issues
- Lowered LDL, which is your bad cholesterol
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Decreases skin aging, rejuvenates and builds new collagen
- Helps fight Cellulite and the Orange Peel effect
Did you know that your Bellabaci Cellulite Be Gone Genie, our luscious lotion which turns into a luxurious deep treatment oil is loaded with Vitamin C? Get the most out of your Genie by massaging it in with your Body Cups, our hand-squeezed vacuum suction cups based on Ancient Chinese Cupping Therapy, for 10 minutes per session and reap the ultimate in fat-melting benefits!
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