If you’ve ever seen someone’s back after receiving cupping therapy, then you might have been put off the idea of getting this treatment. You will notice they sometimes have big, red circles on their skin, but if you’d speak to the same person, they’ll more than likely tell you of all the great things about the natural effective treatment they just had.
If you’re interested in getting cupping done for the first time, read on for more information on what to expect from it. You can check out our blog explaining what cupping is and how it benefits you if you don’t know anything about it.
What happens during cupping therapy treatment?
Cupping is normally done on your back but can be applied to other body parts like the legs and arms depending on what you will be using the treatment for. So, you will lie down on the massage table on your stomach. The cupping massage therapist will place the cups on your skin and gently massage your skin with them. The silicone cups will create a suction between the cup and your skin so that the skin is essentially pulled into the space between.
Does cupping therapy treatment hurt?
Cupping doesn’t hurt at all, it does feel a little weird in the beginning. At worst, cupping should feel like a deep tissue massage, a little uncomfortable but not painful at all. Those marks left over, they are not bruises. They are a result of the blood settling around the skin’s surface as a consequence of the sucking action. Some people find them slightly sensitive to the touch, especially the first time, but they should not bruise and should not be painful if the treatment is administered properly.
How long will those marks last?
This will vary from one person to the next, as will the appearance of the marks. Some people won’t even mark at all. Generally, these circular marks will fade in just a few days after the treatment.
Cupping has lots of mental and physical benefits for anyone getting it, and the feeling can be even more intense after the first time getting the treatment.
How cupping therapy treatment is done? 
The procedure for a cupping therapy treatment is a simple one. The cup is first placed on the skin; thereafter, it is heated. Heat is applied with fire through the use of paper, herbs, and alcohol. These substances are placed directly in the cup. Then the heat source is eliminated and the cup is placed with the heated side right on the skin.
Some practitioners now create suction through the use of rubber pumps. Perhaps some prefer this method to the conventional heating methods.
After the cup is placed on the skin, the temperature of the air within the cup falls, creating a vacuum that draws the muscle and the skin upward. The color of the skin changes to a characteristic red due to the pressure on the blood vessels.
In dry cupping, the cup is positioned for a specific period of time, in many cases between 5 and 10 mins. On the other hand, the cups used for wet cupping are positioned for just a few minutes. Thereafter, the cup is removed by the practitioner, and a very little incision made to draw blood.
After removing the cups, the cupped areas are covered with bandages and ointments. This is done to prevent infection. If any mark is formed, or maybe a mild bruise occurs, it will disappear within a week or two.
In some cases, cupping may be done alongside acupuncture. To get the best results, you could eat very little at night or at most, 3 hours before the procedure is carried out.
Preparing for your cupping therapy treatment
Cupping has been in practice for a long time and can help relieve the symptoms of health conditions. If cupping is your preferred alternative treatment, then it may complement your doctor visits. Under no circumstance should cupping, or any other alternative treatment substitute your doctor visits.
The following factors should be taken into consideration before you embark on a cupping therapy:
- Does the practitioner treat all conditions, or does he specialize in just a few?
- What’s the cupping method in use?
- What is the hygienic condition of this facility? How about safety measures? Are they implemented?
- How qualified is the practitioner?
- Do I have any health condition that may require cupping?
Before you embark on any form of alternative treatment or therapy, be sure to discuss you’re your doctor so that it could be incorporated into your plan of treatment.
Cupping at Bellabaci 
At Bellabaci, you are sure of a unique cupping massage system. Our technique will leave you toasty warm for over five hours after you are done with the treatment.
You can have a quick DIY session with us our body and/or face cups. A qualified therapist can equally perform the Bellabaci signature massage that relaxes your body, mind, and soul.
We also have the Bellabaci cups produced from high soft-grade silicone and just needs to be squeezed to gain negative pressure. Our system was created to minimize the signs of aging, reduce the appearance of cellulite, comfort tired muscles and offer a respite to the day’s stresses.
Our technique leaves the body feeling toasty warm for up to 5 hours after the treatment has ceased. Use our body and/or face cups for a quick DIY or let your therapist perform what is called the Bellabaci Signature massage, a tailor-made experience of hand and cupping massage to relax body, mind, and soul.