Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, is a condition that currently affects around 5 million Americans. Cupping Therapy, along with other natural treatment approaches, can offer significant benefits to those diagnosed with this disorder.
Cupping Therapy can help treat PTSD by adapting the underlying energetic imbalances that cause the condition. PTSD is treated as a state of shock that must get erased out of one ’s nervous system and body. Trauma can remain long after the event that occurred and triggered these symptoms, often for several years. To effectively treat this disorder, you will have to clear the underlying energetic imbalance that is causing the shock to persist.
How does Cupping therapy help treat PTSD?
Cupping Therapy works by regulating the flow of Qi or life force in the body. In the case of PTSD, there is a condition called a Qi wild condition, in which one’s life force/vital energy has become confused, disturbed, or grossly inconsistent. Cupping is a powerful way to settle such energetic disturbances and return the body and mind to a state of balance and peace.
Along with this treatment, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises at home can also be extremely helpful, primarily if they get performed on a daily basis.
Managing Stress and Depression holistically 
Our Bellabaci hand-squeezable massage cups, as well as the Stress No More Genie, can help to address symptoms such as:
1. Nervous tension
Nervous tension is not a disorder, but a neuromuscular reaction to anxiety, stress or emotional conflict. This condition requires a much higher amount of Calcium, Magnesium, B vitamins and other specific nutrients for your body.
2.Insomnia & sleep disturbances
This is a sleep disorder that is characterised by the trouble of falling asleep. People that have insomnia wake up often during the night and struggles going back to sleep.
3.Headaches & Migraines
Migraines is a result of specific changes within your brain. It causes sharp head pain that is often characterised by sensitivity to light, sound.
What makes Bellabaci specifically a good treatment option for PTSD?
The Bellabaci Stress No More Genie was created to add active wellness ingredients naturally. These include St John’s Wort, Jasmine and Ylang Ylang, to name a few, combined with our energetic synergy, that has a calming and uplifting effect on the nervous system. Together with the Bellabaci Cupping system, it can help relieve some of the symptoms experienced by stress and depression. This is also the only massage technique where you can work over the spine.
Cupping also has a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system and stress hormones produced by the adrenal glands. The action of the cups assists in supplying a surge of blood flow and toxin removal to increase the production of serotonin, your “happy hormone”.
PTSD is a debilitating and challenging condition to treat in life. This is why we recommend a natural treatment like Bellabaci that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Cupping Therapy, meditation, and correct nutrition offer an extensive collection of resources that can substantially reduce many of the symptoms of PTSD.